Repair Requests

RedTree products are guaranteed for life. If there is ever an issue with workmanship or damage due to shipment, we are here to stand behind our products and ensure they meet our quality standards. To notify our team of an issue that needs addressing, please complete our Repair Request Form.

Repairs/remakes due to any other reason, including but not limited to any of the following, are outside of the parameters of our policy:

  • Typos
  • Product selections (paper type, debossing style, debossing size, etc.)
  • Variances in leather. While we work hard to select colors from various dye lots to match as closely as possible, there can be some subtle changes in color tones. Leather is a natural material from an animal, and each hide is subject to change in regards to hue, texture, and markings.
  • Subtle changes in linen and fabrics. Linen is a textile made from natural fibers that is woven and died. Each piece has a slightly different texture, and slight changes in color are inherent to the creation process.
  • Spread design or upload errors, including but not limited to small borders, duplicate images, missing spreads
  • Poor image quality
  • Color variances between our printers and customer computer screens
  • Incorrect shipping information
  • Storage
  • Customer handling/treatment

When orders are submitted, photographers agree to the following Terms & Conditions: 

I agree that once this album is submitted, I have 60 minutes to make any changes. After 60 minutes, it is highly probable we have already begun production and this order cannot be changed unless ordered on the weekend. I understand that I am responsible for the designs and photos I am uploading and RedTree is not liable for any mistakes. I have proofed the design and approve it for production. I understand that RedTree has the right to refuse an order that contains objectionable or offensive material that might offend our employees and/or the general public.

Every RedTree product is crafted by hand, in accordance with the specifications on each individual order form. However, we understand that mistakes happen, and want you to be completely satisfied. Don’t hesitate to complete our Repair Request Form in order to receive a quote for a repair.

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